Workplace Injury

Injuries on the job can diminish or remove a person’s ability to work at their highest capacity, sometimes, forever. These cases can be complex and require legal assistance to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

  • As important as the coal mining industry is to West Virginia, there is nothing more important than the safety and well-being of our coal miners. Mining accidents are frequently responsible for the serious injury or death of mine workers. If you or a loved one are the victim of a coal mining accident, contact an experienced lawyer who can protect your rights.

    While workers’ compensation is typically the first option to seek relief for your injuries, there may be personal injury compensation that can be explored separately.

  • We represent construction workers who have been injured on their worksite. We have significant experience in workers’ compensation law and know how to pursue maximum compensation on behalf of injured clients. We also have the knowledge and resources necessary to pursue other avenues of compensation.

  • The operation of heavy machinery, including coal trucks, crossroad trucks, tree cutting trucks and more, is a dangerous occupation. Sometimes, injuries happen. If they’re due to the neglect of your employer, you may have a legal right to claim compensation for your damages.